
Sylvie, Morardet


Based in: France
E-mail: sylvie.morardet@inrae.fr


Sylvie Morardet is a researcher in economics, specialising in economic evaluation applied to the management of water and hydrosystems. Her research focuses on the perceptions and behaviour of water and hydrosystem users and on methods for the economic evaluation of hydrosystem services. She is also interested in participatory approaches and modelling to support dialogue between stakeholders and decision-making on natural resource management, particularly in irrigated areas.

Her areas of expertise include the analysis of agricultural production systems, micro-economic modelling of farms (mathematical programming), the evaluation of farm sustainability, the economic analysis of hydro-agricultural projects and public water management policies, and the design and use of participatory mechanisms for decision support.

For the past 30 years, she has been involved in the development of economic evaluation and participatory engineering methods through several research and expertise projects in France (notably in the Rhône-Méditerranée and Corsica, Adour-Garonne and Loire-Bretagne basins), and abroad (Tunisia, South Africa). She spent most of her career at Cemagref, which became Irstea and then integrated into INRAE. She was seconded to the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in South Africa from 2003 to 2007 and was hosted at the Tunisian Agronomic Institute from 2018 to 2020.

Tools used

Social practices and perceptions , Experimental Economics , Stated Preferences , Hybrid methods

Published mainly with
Stefano Farolfi 2 ; Marine Jourdren 2 ; Matthieu Adam 1 ; Olivier Barreteau 1 ; Fayçal Benchekroun 1